Why hiring a part-time housekeeper is the right move
We have seen a sharp increase in interest in engaging the services of a part-time housekeeper. Clients, both new and loyal long term Irving Scott patrons, are seeking extra support during these times of lockdowns, restrictions, and Covid-related fluidity in circumstances. Not only can Irving Scott provide the best part-time housekeeper for your home, but we can also advise on job descriptions, tasks, and salaries as we know that no two households are alike.
Tips for successful part-time housekeeping
Making sure every stakeholder is on the same page is a key to success. These are the relationships that matter most, and without astute management, staff will be running in all directions, not meeting the family’s needs very well.
- define tasks – let the part-time housekeeper know what is expected and the time frame that they have for completing each job, be it laundry, polishing, food preparation or bed making.
- instil a daily-clean routine – safe in the knowledge that your Irving Scott part-time housekeeper is versed in the best cleaning methods and the proper use of cleaning supplies and equipment.
- ensure effective information sharing – part-time housekeepers should be given precise knowledge of routines that may impact upon their role or which they are supposed to follow.
- provide bespoke training – if the principals have expensive items that require individual care, training should be provided so that the part-time housekeeper can dedicate time to undertaking this specific task to the best of their abilities.
Creating a new (part-time) housekeeping post within your team
Many households already run very successfully with a live-in housekeeper who is fully trained, experienced, and competent at the role they undertake. Nevertheless, the principal or sometimes the main head housekeeper him/herself, recognises that a new position should be created to cover specific tasks at certain times of the day or week. Before long, families discover that they cannot exist without or easily replace their newest arrival!
In order to create a new part-time housekeeping role in your home, we suggest you contact Irving Scott for advice. Brokering professional domestic staff relationships, creating healthy boundaries, encouraging a team spirit and, above all, ensuring harmony are all skills Irving Scott offers to clients. The creation of a new role often goes hand in hand with staff evaluations, with the bonus that when handled professionally, all changes are acknowledged as improvements.
Employing a part-time housekeeper for the first time
Irving Scott supports, advises and encourages new clients who wish to embark upon this route to domestic calm. We understand that inviting an employee into your home for the first time and delegating household management tasks to them can be somewhat daunting. However, in the wake of the first Covid-related lockdowns and ongoing pandemic restrictions, many couples are reaching out to our agency to find the right match for their circumstances.
Our approach guarantees success. We prepare first-time employers for the advent of a new era in which someone will be on hand to sort out laundry, make beds, receive online deliveries, follow recipes, and run errands. Likewise, Irving Scott ensures that part-time housekeepers are respectful, discreet, diligent, and professional.
What are you waiting for to hire a part-time housekeeper for your home? Employing a trusted housekeeper during a global pandemic is, without doubt, a wise move. Irving Scott can explain terms, conditions, salary expectations, etc, thus making the hiring paperwork easy and intelligible. Contact us today to find out more!