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Nannies for older Mums – playing to your strengths

With older Mums having the fastest-growing birth rate in MEDC countries and celebrities such as Cameron Diaz and Nicole Kidman welcoming newborns into the world in their forties, the regretfully unpleasant term geriatric mother – or mother of advanced age – is becoming more and more inconsistent with the way society is developing. There are undoubtedly benefits and disadvantages to delaying motherhood until towards the end of our fertile lives, both of which are a source of continuous debate across the media. Here at Irving Scott our interest in geriatric motherhood is strictly professional. As a recruitment agency who specialises in placing the right candidate for each individual household, we inevitably advise both nanny and employer about the ways in which they can complement each other in the task of bringing up the family.

Finding the right nanny for an older mum takes practice. Our greatest success stories include pairing a multilingual nanny with housekeeping experience in her early thirties with an older mother whose fitness levels matched those of a mum in her twenties. This mum sought soft skills in her nanny rather than boundless energy levels. Other clients include a mum-of-three in her fifties whose children aged 5, 7 and 11 needed an outdoorsy nanny with stamina and enthusiasm for getting wet and cold in great British weather. 

Ideal soft skills for nannies with older parents

  • Language skills – being able to communicate in multiple languages and talk to the children in their second or third language is a real advantage for older mums who may not be as fluent as they wish in the language(s) they know their children need to thrive in multinational societies. 
  • Flexibility – being flexible about working hours, tasks to undertake and last-minute changes to plans are unique abilities that Irving Scott’s nannies consistently show. 
  • Creative thinking – being able to look at parenting issues from different and creative angles helps geriatric mothers find solutions for problems that may arise from the generation gap between them and their children. 
  • Positive energy – As babies become toddlers and eventually children with boundless energy, parental exhaustion becomes more acute. Most parents experience tiredness, but older parents are inevitably more prone to this. The impact of a nanny with positive – as well as physical – energy is not to be underestimated. At Irving Scott we receive much feedback about the incredible energy shifts that arise when families are paired with a nanny whose “can do” attitude naturally lifts spirits.

Examples of client requirements for nannies

  • Nontraditional work schedules  – older mums have professional and social commitments that require a dynamic approach to parenting. Although they generally tend to have more quality time with their children, when they need to be absent from the home it is important that their nanny is able to step in.
  • Mannies – Single mothers in their forties and fifties often hire mannies who can play football nonstop and are a positive male role model for their children. Our mannies are multiskilled, sensitive, proactive and fun to be around. 
  • Teaching skills – many geriatric parents opt to homeschool their children, particularly since the global pandemic caused by Covid-19. Hiring a nanny with early-years education training is a skill which our clients are increasingly seeking. 

Get in touch with Irving Scott today to find out more about hiring the right nanny for your family.

older mums - cameron diaz

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