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5 Best Key Qualities That Make a Good Household Manager

Good household managers are hired to coordinate those tasks that are needed to keep a house in order. They are highly intuitive professionals with relevant experience gained through undertaking several domestic staffing roles before stepping up to the role of household manager. At Irving Scott we have a talent for nurturing household managers who may have risen through the ranks, previously holding roles as butlers or housekeepers. A good household manager is a consummate multitasker who is skilled at making decisions that make everyone’s lives easier.

With characteristics such as charm, wit, emotional intelligence, keen budgeting and housekeeping skills and discretion, good household managers are easy to identify but hard to find. Apart from trusting Irving Scott to find you the best household manager for your home, you can identify a few hallmarks yourselves to see a candidate’s true suitability for the role of household manager with you.

good household manager
5 Best Key Qualities That Make a Good Household Manager 3
#1: A good memory – First Key Quality That Make a Good Household Manager

Throughout our many years of expertise in the industry, Irving Scott has come to deeply value and truly appreciate the remarkable skill that good household managers possess in remembering intricate details. They are the linchpin of a smoothly functioning home, embodying an encyclopedic knowledge that extends far beyond the ordinary.

These are the adept professionals in your midst who consistently prove their worth by remembering a multitude of seemingly small yet crucial details. They are the ones who have the ability to remember not just names, but faces, preferences, and intricate details about each individual that they serve. They will remember your guests’ habits, their favourite drinks, and even anecdotes that can enhance the overall atmosphere and prompt the principal to truly engage with the people they have invited to their home.

A good household manager isn’t just a manager; they are a keen observer and a wise communicator. They have the uncanny ability to preempt and plan each encounter with meticulous care. They operate in the background, almost unseen, but their presence is always felt through the seamless experience they create.

Their memory acts as an essential tool that enables them to provide tailored experiences, anticipate needs, and ensure that every detail is attended to. This key trait not only simplifies the lives of those they serve but also adds a personal touch that elevates the everyday living experience. This level of personalized service often makes the difference between an ordinary household manager and a good household manager.

At Irving Scott, we understand and admire the dedication and diligence that goes into becoming such an extraordinary household manager. We take pride in nurturing these talents, and we aim to provide households with professionals who transform homes into harmonious living spaces with their keen memory and exceptional service.

#2 Confidentiality – Second Key Quality That Make a Good Household Manager

Household managers can be trusted to remain discrete come what may. They know how to present themselves at all times, showing a precise sense of occasion. What can seem like indifference is in fact a valuable skill shown by the best household managers: that of being able to remain observant without paying attention to details superfluous to their roles. 

#3 Problem solving – Third Key Quality That Make a Good Household Manager

Household managers are trained to handle awkward situations with professionalism that is to be thanked. They have gained the utmost respect from their employees; therefore, they know who to turn to and how to solve matters that arise that require a speedy and quiet solution. They are team leaders who cultivate harmony, finding constructive and creative responses to moments of turbulence.

#4 Language skills – Fourth Key Quality That Make a Good Household Manager

A household manager in the 21calle century can expect to manage a multilingual and multicultural team of employees. A leader who is comfortable communicating in the same language as their staff is someone who has a natural affinity with the team members. These language skills also help when working with international principals, some of whom are not native English speakers. 

#5 Hands-on with paperwork – Fifth Key Quality That Make a Good Household Manager

Having proven administrative skills is a hallmark that Irving Scott recruiters seek when interviewing potential candidates. Household managers often pay bills, manage budgets, oversee and pay contractors and set schedules. Being able to organize multiple duties is an advantage that sets apart the best household managers. Paperwork is in order; procurement runs smoothly, and time is managed expertly.  

Find your next household manager today by contacting Irving Scott.

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