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Агентство домашнего персонала

Управляющий домом
and Estate Manager

Highly specialised and trained, your House Manager or Estate Manager will ensure smooth day-to-day running of your property and staff.


Мы ценим Дом / Менеджеры по недвижимости who have extensive experience. The position demands grace under pressure and consummate professionalism. Courtesy is of paramount importance.

The House Manager / Estate Manager will oversee tradespeople and the general running of the property, capable of servicing the many facets and unique aspect of your household. They are flexible as well as highly skilled, and come with extensive experience managing large properties and staff for high-profile individuals and companies.

Обязанности и ответственность

Управляющий домом или поместьем или Управляющий домом и поместьем?

The terms Estate Manager and Household Manager are commonly used interchangeably, but they’re actually two different roles that have some (or many) overlapping responsibilities and skills. In order to retain the right person for each job and ensure that your home and property run smoothly and to your house/estate’s particular specifications, it’s helpful to understand the difference between these two two roles. It might make sense to combine the roles, or to hire two specific people for unique roles. The decision is yours.

Today’s modern Estate Manager is yesterday’s Majordomo. Majordomo refers to the highest (major) person of a household (domūs or domicile) staff, the chief of staff who acts on behalf of the owner of a large or significant residence. Sometimes referred to as the ‘head butler’, maître d’hôtel, or steward, it’s important to recognize the overall true meaning of what a modern Estate Manager does on a daily basis.

Функции управляющего недвижимостью

Typically, the Estate Manager holds the #1 position in the household and implements the management of your property and will be flexible, organized, and supremely competent to deal with multiple properties if several exist. Many will have experience in managing multiple residences, often abroad, giving them valuable international experience. In a large estate that consists of several thousands of acres, where the owners live away and visit on occasion, the estate manager will often reside on the estate and will have overall responsibility for it in every aspect.

Estate Managers are responsible for hiring and training staff and usually oversee ongoing personnel management. Some Estate Managers have a more ‘hands-on’ role, depending on your needs, but their primary roles involve the management and supervision of other household staff.

Estate Manager Key Duties

Estate Manager Qualifications

The most successful and competent Estate Managers are well-rounded individuals who possess a certain depth of knowledge and, of course, prior experience.

At Irving Scott, we seek the following qualifications when interviewing Estate Managers:

Функции домашнего менеджера

While the duties of an Estate Manager and Household Manager appear similar, Household Managers are typically more ‘hands-on’ and perform service tasks themselves rather than delegating them to other staff. For a single family home or a smaller estate/residence, the Household Manager functions as a self-contained version of the Estate Manager. They train, oversee, manage, and assist your household staff. They’re friendly and always available, and yet respect privacy and confidentiality and can maintain a comfortable level of professionalism.

Основные обязанности домашнего менеджера

Квалификация домашнего менеджера

The qualifications for a Household Manager are similar to those of an Estate Manager: both require a variety, scope, and range of skills. The best Household Manager for you is someone you feel comfortable and confident with. Experience in restaurant or office management and/or formal schooling and specialised degrees can vary to the degree necessary to do the job.

В Ирвинге Скотте при собеседовании с управляющими домохозяйствами мы обычно стремимся к соблюдению следующих требований:

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Candidates who have extensive experience and longevity in their previous roles. The ability to deal well with pressure, often juggling multiple duties whilst remaining professional at all times.

They oversee tradespeople and the ongoing running of the household. They should be experienced at working for large properties and high-profile families. Responsibilities can differ depending on the formality of the household. They are typically the most senior staff member unless the family own multiple residences in which case the House Manager would report to the Estate Manager. The role of House Manager can often be combined with Батлер duties, thus experience with silver service is a big benefit when applying for roles.


  • Управление остальным персоналом в доме
  • Разработка и обновление Руководства по домашнему хозяйству
  • Взаимодействие с шеф-поваром по меню
  • Организация званых обедов и общественных мероприятий в резиденции
  • Организация подрядчиков по техническому обслуживанию и бытовому обслуживанию
  • Ведение инвентаризации и составление отчетов, например, о запасах в винных погребах.
  • Цветочная композиция
  • Обучение других сотрудников
  • Бронирование встреч
  • Подбор и проведение собеседований с персоналом
  • Быть ответственным за бюджеты
  • Присмотр за домом и уход за домашними животными
  • Специальные обязанности

Обычно 5- или 6-дневная рабочая неделя с 8:00 до 18:00, ожидается работа в выходные дни. Гибкость является ключевым моментом в этой роли, пока семья находится дома.

Начальная зарплата составляет около 60 000 фунтов стерлингов в год и может вырасти до более 100 000 фунтов стерлингов, в зависимости от навыков и опыта.

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