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Butler vuokrattavissa

Butler – Etelä-Ranska – Majoitus tarjotaan

Kiinteistöhovimestari tarvitaan suureen asuntoon lähellä St Tropezia. Jotkut matkat päämiesten kanssa voivat olla tarpeellisia, mutta suurin osa työstä tehdään kiinteistöllä.

Ihannetapauksessa hakijalla olisi oltava virallinen hovimestarikoulu, mutta tämä voidaan korvata vahvan kokemuksen ja motivaation sijasta.

Previous formal private house experience as a butler is essential, and experience and confidence required when it comes to entertaining, meeting, and greeting.  The butler should be very quiet in personality but be able to anticipate needs, be quick thinking, and above all, apply common sense to every task.

Fluent spoken/written English is essential.

The candidate must be able to show strong butler experience and should have presence when it comes to entertaining and meeting and greeting; they should be confident in front of small or large groups, but also be able to blend into the background when required.  

Silver service is a must and attention to detail is paramount. The candidate should have the right balance of a quiet personality yet a quick thinker and a problem solver, above all applying common sense to every task. Traveling with the principal will be required.
In general, the role will provide event and meal service; liaise with chefs for food travel requirements; organize luggage; book restaurants; provide some driving service (must be a confident driver with high-performance cars); carry out daily errands, such as shopping; and assist the household with whatever additional tasks are necessary.
This role will be live-in so accommodation will be provided
Päivät ja tunnit keskustellaan haastatteluvaiheessa

Salary is open to negotiation but in the region of  4,000 to 5,000 net per month. 

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