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Nanny / Housekeeper

Nanny / Housekeeper

The mainstay of your domestic team, nanny/housekeeper duties, are broad and encompassing, providing your household with all necessary childcare support and maintenance.


In today’s demanding world, where the balance between work,   childcare, and household chores can be challenging, the saviours of modern-day households – the nanny housekeepers come into play.

From childcare, meal preparation, and educational support to laundry and cleaning, nanny housekeeper can accommodate your requests swiftly and efficiently, never missing a detail or moment.

Job descriptions between the duties of a nanny/housekeeper and one of a personal assistant often overlap in contemporary households. A successful barnflicka housekeeper will bring multiple skills and talents to an assignment, providing childcare and housekeeping services.

Running errands, making trips to the supermarket, managing perishable goods in the pantry and larder, and providing child-caring duties are invaluable. A nanny/ housekeeper with excellent cooking skills might be the solution for a busy, working couple with children.

Nanny/ housekeepers are not just childminders and cleaners; they are much more than that. They tirelessly work behind the scenes, taking care of all housekeeping duties, child care, and every detail in your home so that you can focus on the more important things in your life.

They are experts in multitasking, ensuring that everything from homework to grocery shopping is handled without a hitch.

Some of the main skills a qualified nanny housekeeper should be proficient in:

  • Childcare and early education understanding.
  • Delivering a clean and organised environment.
  • Springa ärenden.
  • Barnomsorgsuppgifter.
  • Allmän matlagningskunskap.

Hur de kommer att hjälpa

Balancing the demands of daily life and managing household responsibilities along with childcare can be an overwhelming endeavour. This is where the expertise of a seasoned nanny housekeeper can make all the difference.

Understandably, no two households are alike. Hence your nanny/housekeeper must be able to respond to the unique conditions of your property, family, and domestic arrangements.

For those seeking a more permanent solution, a live-in nanny housekeeper offers the perfect balance of convenience and professionalism. In the nanny housekeeping role, these individuals will provide a full range of services permanently, residing in your home to ensure that all responsibilities are attended to around the clock. This is especially beneficial for families with young children, as a live-in nanny housekeeper can provide childcare services and manage household responsibilities.

How Irving Scott can help as a Nanny/Housekeeper Agency

As a premier London nanny housekeeping agency, we pride ourselves on offering unparalleled service to a discerning clientele. Our reputation as a nanny housekeeper agency of distinction is built upon our unwavering commitment to providing the most highly skilled and experienced personnel to the city's most prestigious private households.

Our team of experts is dedicated to understanding the unique needs and preferences of every client, utilising this information to make bespoke matchmaking selections from our illustrious pool of talented service providers.

Our recruitment agency is dedicated to finding the best possible match for each of our clients, and we take great care in our in-depth interview process to identify the unique talents of our personnel. Our personnel are among the most talented in the industry and include experienced nanny housekeepers, house managers, and a wide range of other skilled professionals. Whether you require a live-in or live-out nanny housekeeper, we have the right personnel to meet your needs. We are proud to offer our esteemed clients the best possible service, and we take great care in matching our personnel with the right households.

Whether you are looking for a permanent position or a more flexible arrangement, we are committed to ensuring you receive the high-quality service you deserve. So, if you are looking for a leading nanny housekeeping agency in London, look no further than our team at Irving Scott. As the best agency in the UK with a long history of excellence, we are always here to help you find the right fit for your household and ensure you receive the best possible service. Our team of experts are dedicated to understanding the unique needs and preferences of every client, utilising this information to make bespoke matchmaking selections from our illustrious pool of talented service providers.

Our recruitment agency is dedicated to finding the best possible match for each of our clients, and we take great care in our in-depth interview process to identify the unique talents of our personnel. Our personnel are among the most talented in the industry and include experienced nanny/housekeepers, house managers, and a wide range of other skilled professionals.

Whether you require a live-in or live-out nanny/housekeeper, we have the right personnel to meet your needs. We are proud to offer our esteemed clients the best possible service and take great care in matching our personnel with the right households. So, if you are looking for a leading nanny/housekeeping agency in London, look no further than our team at Irving Scott. We are always here to help you find the right fit for your household and to ensure that you receive the best possible service.


Att välja att använda tjänsterna från en professionell och välrenommerad bemanningsbyrå som Irving Scott kan ge en mängd fördelar. Med vår rigorösa screeningprocess, grundliga referenskontroller och omfattande bakgrundskontroller kan du lita på att endast högt kvalificerade och erfarna kandidater presenteras för dig för övervägande. Med många års erfarenhet i branschen erbjuder vi expertvägledning och support till kunder och kandidater under hela sök- och anställningsprocessen.

Genom Irving Scott kan du anställa ett brett utbud av hushållspersonal för att passa dina specifika behov. Detta inkluderar skickliga hushållerskor, sakkunniga städare, garderobshanteringsexperter, inhemska par, personliga assistenter, chaufförer, barnskötare, och annan hushållspersonal med specialistkompetens. Vår byrå erbjuder en personlig service för att matcha dig med rätt hempersonal för att möta dina unika hushållsbehov. Oavsett om du behöver heltids- eller deltidspersonal, live-in eller live-out personal, kan vi ge dig den perfekta kandidaten som passar dina behov.

Ja den hushållerskor we recruit are typically highly experienced and qualified professionals with a strong track record of providing exceptional service to households. At Irving Scott, we have a rigorous screening process that thoroughly assesses a candidate's qualifications and experience. We also conduct detailed referenskontroller för att verifiera en kandidats arbetshistoria och rykte i branschen.

Detta är upp till det enskilda hushållet, men majoriteten gör det. Hushållerskor bär ofta smarta svartvita kläder.

En hushållerska är ansvarig för hushållens angelägenheter och har en uppsättning ansvarsområden som inkluderar att övervaka städuppgifter, som vanligtvis utförs av engagerade personal. En städare, å andra sidan, fokuserar enbart på städuppgifter inom hushållet.

På vår byrå strävar vi efter att ge våra uppskattade kunder snabb och effektiv service för att hitta den perfekta hushållerskan för deras behov. Tidslinjen för att hitta en hushållerska i London kan variera beroende på de specifika kraven för jobbet och platsen. Samtidigt som vi arbetar hårt för att hitta rätt kandidat för dig på kortast möjliga tid, finns vissa önskemål (t.ex. inboende hushållerska eller utboende hushållerska) och platser kan kräva en längre sökning.

På grund av den tredubbla följdeffekten av Brexit, Covid och konflikten i Ukraina. Dessutom får den globala inflationen att priserna stiger och därmed ökar löneförväntningar av inhemsk personal över hela linjen.

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