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النسخة النهائية 1
Household Staff Agency

مدبرات المنزل

The lynchpin of your domestic team, housekeeper duties are broad and multifaceted, providing your household with all necessary support, cleaning and maintenance.


In a fast-paced world where demands on our time and energy are constantly increasing, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the never-ending list of household chores. This is where the true heroes of modern-day households step in – the housekeepers and our staffing agency. Hire housekeepeer agency in London, United Kingdom 

From shopping, cleaning, meal preparation and wardrobe management to laundry and general cleaning up, housekeepers are able to find staff who to accommodate your requests swiftly and easily, never missing a detail or moment.

Job descriptions between the duties of a housekeeper and one of a personal assistant often overlap in modern, 21st-century households and a successful housekeeper will bring multiple skills and talents to a housekeeping assignment.

Running errands, making trips to the supermarket, rotation of perishable goods in the pantry and larder and also occasional provide child-caring duties can be invaluable added qualities. You may have a resident nanny, but will need your housekeeper to step in from time to time to fill an unexpected gap in service.

Perhaps hiring a professional agency housekeeper with cooking skills or excellent driving skills could also be an added benefit to your staff requirements. A top housekeeper agency who doubles as a personal chef might be just the ticket for a busy, working couple with children.

Housekeepers are not just cleaners, they are much more than that. They are the ones who tirelessly work behind the scenes, taking care of all housekeeping duties and every detail in your home, so that you can focus on the more important things in your life.

They are experts in multitasking, ensuring that everything from childcare to laundry to grocery shopping is taken care of without a hitch.

بعض المهارات الأساسية التي يجب أن تتقنها مدبرة المنزل المؤهلة:

  • Delivering a 5-star hotel experience
  • Running errands
  • General trips to the supermarket and stores
  • Rotation of perishable goods
  • Child-care duties
  • General cooking skills

كيف سوف يساعدون

Balancing the demands of daily life and managing household responsibilities can be an overwhelming endeavour, particularly when your schedule is overflowing with engagements. This is where the expertise of a seasoned and experienced housekeeper can make all the difference.

Understandably, no two households are alike, hence your housekeeper must be able to respond to the unique conditions of your property, family and domestic arrangements. Housekeepers do not just clean house, they keep house and there is a wide variety of additional duties that encompass the title of ‘housekeeper’.

For those seeking a more permanent solution, a live-in housekeeper offers the perfect balance of convenience and professionalism. In the housekeeping role, these individuals will provide a full range of services on a permanent basis, residing in your home to ensure that all responsibilities are attended to around the clock. This is especially beneficial for families with young children, as a live-in housekeeper can provide childcare services, in addition to managing household responsibilities.

For larger households, a domestic couple may be the ideal choice. This includes a highly skilled and experienced housekeeper, along with a private housekeeper and house manager who will oversee the overall administration of the household. This comprehensive solution provides the highest level of support and guarantees that all responsibilities will be executed to the most impeccable standard.

How Irving Scott can help as a Housekeeping Agency in UK

As a premier London housekeeping and recruitment agency, we pride ourselves on offering unparalleled service to discerning clientele. Our reputation as a housekeeper agency of distinction is built upon our unwavering commitment to providing the most highly skilled and experienced personnel to the city’s most prestigious private households.

فريق الخبراء لدينا ملتزم بفهم الاحتياجات والتفضيلات الفريدة لكل عميل، واستخدام هذه المعلومات لإجراء اختيارات مخصصة للتوفيق بين مجموعتنا اللامعة من مقدمي الخدمات الموهوبين.

Our recruitment agency is dedicated to finding the best possible match for each of our clients, and we take great care in our in-depth interview process to identify the unique talents of our personnel. Our personnel are among the most talented in the industry and include experienced nanny housekeepers, part time housekeepers, managers, and a wide range of other skilled professionals. Whether you require a live-in or live-out, housekeeper in london, we have the right personnel to meet your needs.

We are proud to offer our esteemed clients the best possible service, and we take great care in matching our personnel with the right households.

Whether you are looking for a permanent position or a more flexible arrangement, we are committed to making sure that you receive the high-quality service that you deserve.

So, if you are looking for a leading housekeeping agency in London, look no further than our team at Irving Scott. As the best agency in UK with a long history of excellence, we are always here to help you find the right fit for your household and to ensure that you receive the best possible service.

استأجر مدبرة منزل في لندن بثقة

At Irving Scott, we take great pride in our approach to domestic staffing solutions and expectations-exceeding placement of domestic staff in private households. As a leading London housekeeping agency, we understand that the decision to hire someone to work in your home is a deeply personal one, requiring a highly tailored and individualised service.

This is why we have made it our mission to ask the right questions, listen attentively to your needs, and provide you with bespoke solutions to meet your unique requirements. Our commitment to attention to detail, focusing on the specific needs of each and every client, has earned us a reputation for excellence in the industry.

Our housekeeping agency has an database of top-quality candidates includes experienced nanny housekeepers, highly- skilled housekeeper, private housekeeper managers, and a whole team of professionals with specialist skills and training to meet your every need.

Whether you require a permanent position for family or a more flexible arrangement, our team is dedicated to providing you with the right fit for your household.

We’re committed to matching your unique needs. And we are proud to offer a wide range of housekeeping jobs, from permanent positions for families, and live-in housekeeping jobs for domestic couples to more flexible arrangements, and our team of experts is equipped to provide you with the right candidate to meet your needs.

Whether you are looking for a great housekeeper, a housekeeper agency, hard working nanny housekeeper, full housekeeping duties, management specialist, or a domestic couple, our specialists have the skills and experience to find the right fit for your household.

Your safety is our utmost concern

At Irving Scott, the safety and well-being of our clients is of paramount importance. Our team of experienced employers and consultants are dedicated to ensuring that you are provided with the right staff for your household, and we take great care in our placement process to ensure that your safety and security are never compromised.

We understand that peace of mind is essential when it comes to the care of your home and family, which is why we go above and beyond to thoroughly screen all of our candidates. This includes conducting rigorous DBS checks and personality assessments to help solidify your decision to hire. Whether you are seeking a full-time nanny housekeeper or other domestic staff, our team is dedicated to providing you with the right fit for your household.

استمتع بتجربة لا مثيل لها في التدبير المنزلي مع إيرفينغ سكوت

At Irving Scott, we have established ourselves as a purveyor of unparalleled domestic staff recruitment services. Our 10+ years of expertise have allowed us to cultivate a reputation of distinction, renowned for our bespoke approach and meticulous attention to detail.

This has resulted in an unparalleled 98.7% customer satisfaction rate among our esteemed clientele. Our unwavering commitment to excellence is evident in our extensive database of over 4,000 premier candidates, each one handpicked and thoroughly vetted to meet our stringent standards.

Whether you require the services of a skilled housekeeper, compassionate nanny housekeeper, a seasoned cleaner, or any other domestic professional, rest assured that our top housekeeper agency already has the acumen to identify the perfect housekeeper match for your individual household requirements.

الأسئلة الشائعة

Most of the time, people hire maids to work either part-time or full-time in their homes. Housekeepers, on the other hand, have an extra set of responsibilities, like organising and taking care of household chores such as cleaning, cooking, and running errands.

إن اختيار الاستفادة من خدمات وكالة توظيف منزلية محترفة وذات سمعة طيبة مثل إيرفينغ سكوت يمكن أن يحقق العديد من الفوائد. من خلال عملية الفحص الصارمة، والفحوصات المرجعية الشاملة، وفحوصات الخلفية الشاملة، يمكنك أن تثق في أنه يتم تقديم المرشحين المؤهلين تأهيلاً عاليًا وذوي الخبرة فقط لك للنظر فيها. بفضل سنوات من الخبرة في هذا المجال، نقدم إرشادات الخبراء والدعم للعملاء والمرشحين طوال عملية البحث والتوظيف.

من خلال إيرفينغ سكوت، يمكنك توظيف مجموعة واسعة من العمالة المنزلية لتناسب احتياجاتك الخاصة. وهذا يشمل مدبرات المنازل الماهرات، وعمال النظافة الخبراء، وخبراء إدارة خزانة الملابس، الأزواج المنزليين, مساعدين شخصيين, سائقين, مربيات، وغيرهم من الموظفين المنزليين ذوي المهارات المتخصصة. تقدم وكالتنا خدمة شخصية لمطابقتك مع الموظفين المنزليين المناسبين لتلبية احتياجاتك المنزلية الفريدة. سواء كنت بحاجة إلى موظفين بدوام كامل أو جزئي، أو موظفين مقيمين أو مقيمين بالخارج، يمكننا أن نوفر لك المرشح المثالي الذي يناسب متطلباتك.

نعم مدبرات المنزل عادةً ما نقوم بتوظيف محترفين ذوي خبرة ومؤهلين تأهيلاً عاليًا ولديهم سجل حافل في تقديم خدمة استثنائية للأسر. في إيرفينغ سكوت، لدينا عملية فحص صارمة تقوم بتقييم مؤهلات المرشح وخبرته بدقة. نقوم أيضًا بإجراء فحوصات مرجعية تفصيلية للتحقق من تاريخ عمل المرشح وسمعته في الصناعة.

هذا الأمر متروك للأسرة الفردية، لكن الأغلبية تفعل ذلك. غالبًا ما ترتدي مدبرات المنزل ملابس أنيقة باللونين الأبيض والأسود.

Housekeepers play a vital role in making sure your home is always sparkling clean and fresh. They're not just limited to washing and tidying up your homes; they also handle tasks like keeping the laundry area in your house in tip-top shape and even coordinating with skilled professionals like plumbers when the need arises.

مدبرة المنزل هي المسؤولة عن الشؤون المنزلية ولديها مجموعة من المسؤوليات التي تشمل الإشراف على مهام التنظيف، والتي يتم تنفيذها عادة من قبل موظفين متخصصين. من ناحية أخرى، يركز المنظف فقط على مهام التنظيف داخل المنزل.

في وكالتنا، نسعى جاهدين لتزويد عملائنا الكرام بخدمة سريعة وفعالة في العثور على مدبرة المنزل المثالية لاحتياجاتهم. يمكن أن يختلف الجدول الزمني للعثور على مدبرة منزل في لندن اعتمادًا على المتطلبات المحددة للوظيفة والموقع. بينما نعمل بجد للعثور على المرشح المناسب لك في أقصر وقت ممكن، فإن بعض الطلبات (مثل مدبرة منزل مقيمة أو مدبرة منزل مقيمة بالخارج) و المواقع قد يتطلب بحثا أطول.

بسبب التأثير الثلاثي لخروج بريطانيا من الاتحاد الأوروبي، وكوفيد، والصراع في أوكرانيا. علاوة على ذلك، فإن معدلات التضخم العالمية تتسبب في ارتفاع الأسعار، وبالتالي ارتفاعها توقعات الراتب من الموظفين المنزليين في جميع المجالات.

يستخدم هذا الموقع ملفات تعريف الارتباط لتحسين تجربة الويب الخاصة بك.