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Top 5 Reasons You Should Hire a Chauffeur

There are so many reasons to hire a chauffeur, from namely no longer having to drive to their navigation skills and immaculate presentation. We’ve compiled five reasons why hiring a chauffeur might just be your next best move.

It’ll Give You More Time  

Quite simply not having to drive will free up more time for you. Not only will you be able to make the most of your travelling time by being able to continue with your work, attend a  conference call, ring your loved ones, take in the scenery, enjoy a family trip or catch up with that series you’ve been watching. It’s a chance to take back some of those hours you spend behind the wheel every day. It also allows more flexibility in your day, for example, if your children need to be driven somewhere and you are unable to drive them yourself, then you can rely on the سائق to ensure they arrive safely.

You’ll Always Look the Part 

Not only will you always arrive in style not having to worry about driving and being able to do any last-minute touch-ups in the car, but you will arrive in a car that is immaculately maintained, driven by a chauffeur who is equally as smart and well presented. Arriving for a business meeting like this will signal the standard you set.

It Removes Stress 

From driving in bad weather and finding a parking space to vehicle maintenance and being stuck in a traffic jam, there are many stresses involved with driving. Not when you have a chauffeur, all these problems will be taken care of. Your chauffeur will be up to date in local knowledge of hotels, restaurants and airports and will be efficient in knowing the best routes to take to ensure you always arrive on time. Equally, if any problems do arise your chauffeur will see that the correct service appointments are arranged and will organise a rental vehicle if needed.

You’ll Still Be In Control 

Whilst you can leave everything up to your chauffeur you still have total control if you want, whether that’s suggesting new routes, asking for multiple stops, or easily changing the times that you need to be picked up, things that when you’re in a taxi or being driven by a friend might not be as easy to do.

You’ll Always Have a Designated Driver

Knowing that a driver (who has passed stringent safety checks) you trust is ready to whisk you home as soon as you need will allow you to make the most of the events that you attend, removing any worrying about whether you can have that extra glass of wine or whether you are too tired to drive. 

If you are currently looking for a new role as a chauffeur then take a look at our مجلس العمل for the latest positions.

Festive season is almost upon us, one of the busiest times of the year, when our diaries are filled with حفلات عشاء, cocktail receptions and soirées. And of course one of the most important parts of any event is the food. Which is why we recommend private chef كريستوفر وارويك

سواء كان ذلك عشاءً مع الأصدقاء، أو وليمة فاخرة، أو مجرد أمسية من المقبلات المستمرة عندما يتعلق الأمر بالطعام الذي تريده للتأكد من أنه لا يُنسى - لجميع الأسباب الصحيحة. 

بعد أن بدأ كريستوفر كرئيس طهاة المعجنات لأنطون موسمان، كان يتمتع بمهنة متميزة في صناعة المطاعم حيث عمل مع ماركو بيير وايت، وجيسون أثرتون، وبريت جراهام، وشغل مناصب في مطاعم مثل The Square with Philip Howard - رئيس الطهاة، Maze، مطعم Ledbury، وFrench Laundry في يونتفيل، والذي تم التصويت له في ذلك الوقت كأفضل مطعم في العالم، وSoneva Fushi في جزر المالديف، الذي يعتبر أحد أفضل المنتجعات في العالم.

أثناء عمله رئيسًا للطهاة في مطعم The Barn at Coworth Park، قام بتطوير أسلوبه في المطبخ البريطاني بلمسة أوروبية (على الرغم من أن كريستوفر لا يقتصر بالتأكيد على هذا المطبخ وحده) وتم إرشاده في فن الضيافة من قبل الشيف الرئيسي جون كامبل . إنها هذه الثروة من الخبرة والمهارة التي يعتمد عليها كريستوفر الآن في دوره كمساعد طاهٍ خاص.

What sets Christopher apart from other private chefs, is his personability and the importance he places on building a good rapport with each client right from the start – beginning with the menu planning. Whether you know the exact dishes you want down to the garnishes, you only know you want canapés or you have no idea at all, once Christopher has an understanding of your event he will propose a bespoke menu that makes the most of the country’s finest quality seasonal produce. And there really are no limitations when it comes to the menu – if Christopher is able to يطبخ سوف يفعل.

مثلما يتم تصميم كل قائمة حسب الطلب، كذلك يتم تصميم تفاعل كريستوفر مع الضيوف خلال الحدث. ربما تريد تقديم كل طبق، ربما بضع كلمات فقط في البداية أو تحتاج إلى خصوصية كاملة، مهما كان الأمر، يمكنك أن تتوقع أعلى مستويات الخدمة والتواضع والنزاهة لضمان نجاح الحدث الخاص بك.

لتوظيف كريستوفر لحدثك القادم، ابقى على تواصل معنا اليوم. يمكن رؤية المزيد من المعلومات والصور هنا.



hire a chauffeur

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